Monday, April 22, 2013

Brief Guide About Cupping

Prompts Supplications

Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa Salam said:

الشفاء في ثلاثة: شربة عسل وشرطة محجم وكية نار وإني أنهى أمتي عن الكي
"Healing is located on three things: drinking honey, the knife cuts and burns with fire cupping (kay). Verily I forbid my ummah (treatment) with kay. "(Bukhari)
Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa Salam said:

إن أمثل ما تداويتم به الحجامة والفصد
"Verily the most ideal method of treatment for you is hijamah (cupping) and fashdu (venesection)." (Bukhari - Muslim)

Various Kinds of Cupping

Wet cupping (Wet Cupping)
The method of spending dirty blood (blood letting) by means slashed with a razor, lancet, sterile scalpel or needle-intervention on the part.

How to Do Wet Cupping:
Choose a bruise point based on the patient's condition.

Choose glass cupping (cup) based on the level of disease and the patient's posture. The bigger the glasses are used, the level of pain will be greater, but the effect will be even better.

Clean the skin will dibekam with desinfektans / alcohol.

Cupping glass with a piston pump at the desired position pull 2-3 times, or until the piston can not be drawn again.

Leave for 3-5 minutes.

And slice off the cupping glass cupping former parts with a razor blade, lancet, sterile scalpel or needle.

Cupping again slashed earlier position.

Wait for about 3 minutes until blood came out and accumulate on the glass cupping.

Cupping glass and dispose off the dirty blood out, clean the back glass cupping and disinfection.

Cupping again as much as 3-5 times, or until the white discharge from the skin.

Oles incision and cupping with Black Seed Oil '(black cumin).

Do it every month or every 2 weeks for the disease is severe.

Dry cupping (Cupping Dry)
Cupping is a method that does not eject blood from the body.

How to Do Cupping Dry:

Choose a bruise point based on the patient's condition.

Choose glass cupping (cup) based on the level of disease and the patient's posture. The bigger the glasses are used, the level of pain will be greater, but the effect will be even better.

Massage section will dibekam with olive oiled or black cumin oil for about 5 minutes.

Cupping glass with a piston pump at the desired position pull 2-3 times, or until the piston can not be drawn again.

Let stand for 10 minutes (for men), 7 minutes (for women) or 3 minutes (for the kids).

Remove the cupping glass and back massage with olive oil or black cumin oil for 2-3 minutes to remove the black spots or blisters.

Do it for 7 days for adults, 5 days for children, then punctuated the interval period for 3 days, followed again pembekaman.

Cupping Skating (Sliding Cupping)
Cupping is a method in which cupping glasses diseluncurkan above the skin surface is flat (not thick muscles). This method is similar to Guasha (china), scrapping (English) or scrapings (Java), but is more secure because it does not damage the pores as scrapings.

How to Do Cupping Skating:

Choose a bruise as a prefix point slides, usually the top of the shoulder.

Choose glass cupping (cup) based on the level of disease and the patient's posture. The bigger the glasses are used, the level of pain will be greater, but the effect will be even better.

Massage section will dibekam with olive oiled or black cumin oil for about 5 minutes. Apply a little more oil as lubricant

Cupping glass with a piston pump at the desired position as much as 2-3 times the pull and move / seluncurkan slowly until it looks Bruise (contusion) redness.

Remove the cupping glass and back massage with olive oil or black cumin oil for 2-3 minutes.

Quick Cupping (Flash Cupping) or Cupping Pull
Cupping is a method by means pull off - pull off quickly on the skin which are difficult dibekam, or if dibekam glasses tend to fall. This area is usually around the face and forehead.

How to Do Cupping Fast:

Select a point on the forehead bruise or sore parts.

Choose glass cupping (cup) which is proportional to the width of the forehead (not too big).

Cupping glass with a piston pump at the desired position and then off to taste.

Do this repeatedly until the skin is reddish.

Disease Diagnosis With Cupping

Diagnosis Cupping / cupping can be seen from the color of the skin pigment after pembekaman. In the book "Canon of Internal Medicine", said, "The condition of internal organs (internal organs) can be determined by observing the (observed) external symptoms and physical signs, so that the disease can be diagnosed."

Reaction of the skin pigment former cupping is as follows:

Used bruise that appear dark purple or black, this generally indicates a deficiency conditions (lack of) supply / blood supply and channel / channel (vessel) is not smooth blood accompanied by the presence of blood stasis (blood clots).

Used purple bruise that appeared with plaques (patches), in general it indicates the occurrence of disturbances / disorders purple blood clots and the blood stasis (blood clots).

Used-shaped bruise that appeared purple spots scattered with different color levels (there are old and there is a light purple). This indicates abnormalities "Qi" and blood stasis.

Used bruise that appears bright red, usually it indicates deficiency "Yin" deficiency "Qi" and blood or a terrible burning sensation induced by a deficiency of "Yin".

Used berwerna bruise that appears dark red, it indicates the condition of fat in the blood that is accompanied by high heat pathogens.

Used colored bruise that appeared somewhat pale / white and not warm to the touch, this indicates deficiency cold (cold) and the presence of pathogens gas.

Of lines broke / rash on the former surface bruise and feeling a little itchy, this indicates the existence of wind conditions (humid) pathogens and pathogen gas disruption.

The emergence of water vapor on the inner wall of the glass cupping, indicating the condition of the gases pathogens in the area.

Presence of blister (blister / lecat) on former cupping, describing the condition of severe gas disruption in the body. The presence of blood thinner in a blister gas reaction heat toxin.

Some things to note in the cupping

Make sure that the glass cupping is sterile and hygienic making it safe for cupping (especially wet cupping).

For patients who have never previously dibekam, choose a cupping glass from the smallest to the large and getting too sick.

Cupping position can be done by sitting or lying face down. The sitting position is better for blood circulation, but for patients who are frail recommended by a lying position.

For new patients dibekam, frequently asked how she was feeling, what feeling heartburn, dizziness, nausea or signs will be more faint. Immediately stop cupping when patients complained of pain.

After cupping confronted adequate rest. Some patients immediately feel refreshed her after berbekam on the back and knees, so that he would not rest properly, it can lead to the return of the disease.

Some people feel his temperature rise after 1-2 days after berbekam, this is normal and will soon disappear.

Patients suffering from contagious or infectious illness to be given special attention. For patients with infectious diseases, is expected bekamnya separate glass (single use) and interpreter cupping is recommended to use body armor such as rubber gloves (gloves), masks and semisalnya.

Patients who suffer from low blood pressure and should be treated extra carefully. Awareness levels are constantly monitored so as not to pass out. Avoid cupping on the lower back area is parallel to the navel down, because it can lower blood pressure quickly.

Skin surface resulting small blister, patches, blood stains and blood stasis is the normal reaction after cupping. If the blister is raised and a lot of the big (such as burns), it can be broken by a dry sterile needle to exit the liquid (liquid lymphoid) and then disinfected with desinfektans. More advisable if the former berblister bruise that is massaged gently with olive oil or black cumin.

Patients who experience mental stress, fear, nausea and other symptoms of mental, pembekaman discontinued and the patient was told to lie down relaxed, calm and made to drink the sweet drinks (preferably honey) then motivated and suggestible to eliminate or minimize mental disorders.

Ban-ban Cupping

Not advisable to do wet cupping in diabetics unless interpreters are skilled and experienced cupping.

Do cupping for people who physically very weak or tired (overfatigue).

Do cupping for people who suffer from uneven skin disease or suffer from severe skin allergies such as ulceration and edema.

Do cupping for people who are physically frail elderly and children whose bodies are weak or under 3 years.

With leukemia (blood cancer) is not recommended for wet dibekam.

Patients with severe hepatitis, active tuberculosis, hemophilia, malignant anemia, thrombocytopenia and other severe diseases is not recommended unless the interpreter bruise dibekam skilled and experienced.

Do memberkam on conditions: abdominal satiety, thirst, hunger, exhaustion, after heavy activity, weak body and body fever (chills).

Do cupping for pregnant women in the first 3 months of pregnancy (first trimester).

Do cupping directly on the injured area, torn tendons joints, fractures, varicose veins, tumors.

Do cupping for women who are menstruating and postpartum.

Do not be too hard abdomen memberkam

Do cupping for patients taking blood-thinning drugs such as facilitating and Noni, omega 3, DLS.

Do not do bruise immediately after eating, pembekaman can be done at least two hours after eating. After cupping also do not start eating, but only drink sweet things such as honey or otherwise

Not advisable to do pembekaman to people suffering from heart valve, except under the supervision of a doctor or an experienced cupping.

Do not do bruise directly after bathing, especially after bathing with cold water. Not recommended immediate bath after cupping, but after 2 hours. Recommended bathing with warm water.

Do not wet cupping for new people to donate blood or accident so that new blood is reduced.

Do cupping for patients with diabetes (blood sugar above 280) except by an expert.

Do cupping in an open area or a cool place. Better perform cupping in a warm room or normal room temperature.

Prohibited cupping the following areas:

Natural orifice body: eyes, nose, ears, mouth, genitalia, anus, nipples.

Regional lymph node system that serves as a producer of antibodies, ie in submaksilari, korvikal, sudmalaonkular, axillary, part heartbeat, node inguinalglimfa (see blue guide book thing. 13).

Areas close to large vessels (big vessels).
Cupping Area example:


Examples are cupping :




Anjuran Berbekam

Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alayhi wa Salam besabda :

الشِّفَاءُ فِيْ ثَلاَثَةٍ: شَرْبَةِ عَسَلٍ وَشَرْطَةِ مِحْجَمٍ وَكَيَّةِ نَارٍ وَإِنِّيْ أَنْهَى أُمَّتِيْ عَنْ الْكَيِّ
Kesembuhan itu berada pada tiga hal, yaitu minum madu, sayatan pisau bekam dan sundutan dengan api (kay). Sesungguhnya aku melarang ummatku (berobat) dengan kay.” (HR Bukhari)
Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alayhi wa Salam bersabda :

إِنَّ أَمْثَلَ مَا تَدَاوَيْتُمْ بِهِ الْحِجَامَةُ وَالْفَصْدُ
Sesungguhnya metode pengobatan yang paling ideal bagi kalian adalah hijamah (bekam) dan fashdu (venesection).” (HR Bukhari – Muslim)

Macam-Macam Bekam

  1. Bekam Basah (Wet Cupping)
Yaitu metode pengeluaran darah kotor (blood letting) dengan cara disayat dengan silet, lanset, pisau bedah atau jarum steril pada bagian yang dibekam.

Cara Melakukan Bekam Basah :
Pilih titik bekam berdasarkan kondisi pasien.
  1. Pilih gelas bekam (cup) berdasarkan tingkat penyakit pasien dan postur tubuh. Semakin besar gelas yang digunakan maka tingkat rasa sakit akan semakin besar, namun efeknya akan semakin baik.
  2. Bersihkan bagian kulit yang akan dibekam dengan desinfektans/alkohol.
  3. Pompa gelas bekam dengan piston pada posisi yang dikehendaki sebanyak 2-3 kali tarikan, atau sampai piston tidak dapat ditarik lagi.
  4. Biarkan selama 3-5 menit.
  5. Lepas gelas bekam dan sayat bagian bekas bekam dengan silet, lanset, pisau bedah atau jarum steril.
  6. Bekam lagi posisi yang disayat tadi.
  7. Tunggu selama lebih kurang 3 menit sampai darah keluar dan menumpuk pada gelas bekam.
  8. Lepas gelas bekam dan buang darah kotor yang keluar, bersihkan kembali gelas bekam dan desinfeksi.
  9. Bekam lagi sebanyak 3-5 kali, atau sampai keluar cairan putih dari kulit.
  10. Oles bekas sayatan dan bekam dengan minyak habbatus sauda’ (jinten hitam).
  11. Lakukan setiap bulan atau setiap 2 minggu bagi yang penyakitnya parah.

  1. Bekam Kering (Dry Cupping)
Yaitu metode bekam yang tidak mengeluarkan darah dari tubuh.

Cara Melakukan Bekam Kering :
  1. Pilih titik bekam berdasarkan kondisi pasien.
  2. Pilih gelas bekam (cup) berdasarkan tingkat penyakit pasien dan postur tubuh. Semakin besar gelas yang digunakan maka tingkat rasa sakit akan semakin besar, namun efeknya akan semakin baik.
  3. Pijat bagian yang akan dibekam dengan dilumuri minyak zaitun atau minyak jinten hitam selama lebih kurang 5 menit.
  4. Pompa gelas bekam dengan piston pada posisi yang dikehendaki sebanyak 2-3 kali tarikan, atau sampai piston tidak dapat ditarik lagi.
  5. Biarkan selama 10 menit (bagi pria), 7 menit (bagi wanita) atau 3 menit (bagi anak-anak).
  6. Lepas gelas bekam dan pijat kembali dengan minyak zaitun atau minyak jinten hitam selama 2-3 menit untuk menghilangkan bercak-bercak hitam atau blister.
  7. Lakukan selama 7 hari bagi orang dewasa dan 5 hari bagi anak-anak, kemudian diselingi masa interval selama 3 hari, lalu dilanjutkan lagi pembekaman.

  1. Bekam Seluncur (Sliding Cupping)
Yaitu metode bekam yang mana gelas bekam diseluncurkan di atas permukaan kulit yang rata (tidak tebal ototnya). Metode ini serupa dengan Guasha (cina), scrapping (inggris) atau kerokan (jawa), namun lebih aman karena tidak merusak pori-pori sebagaimana kerokan.

Cara Melakukan Bekam Seluncur :
  1. Pilih titik bekam sebagai awalan seluncur, biasanya bagian atas pundak.
  2. Pilih gelas bekam (cup) berdasarkan tingkat penyakit pasien dan postur tubuh. Semakin besar gelas yang digunakan maka tingkat rasa sakit akan semakin besar, namun efeknya akan semakin baik.
  3. Pijat bagian yang akan dibekam dengan dilumuri minyak zaitun atau minyak jinten hitam selama lebih kurang 5 menit. Oleskan minyak agak banyak sebagai pelumas
  4. Pompa gelas bekam dengan piston pada posisi yang dikehendaki sebanyak 2-3 kali tarikan kemudian gerakkan/seluncurkan perlahan-lahan sampai tampak bruise (memar) kemerahan.
  5. Lepas gelas bekam dan pijat kembali dengan minyak zaitun atau minyak jinten hitam selama 2-3 menit.

  1. Bekam Cepat (Flash Cupping) atau Bekam Tarik
Yaitu metode bekam dengan cara tarik lepas – tarik lepas secara cepat pada bagian kulit yang sukar dibekam, atau apabila dibekam gelas cenderung jatuh. Area ini biasanya di sekitar wajah dan dahi.

Cara Melakukan Bekam Cepat :
  1. Pilih titik bekam pada dahi atau bagian yang nyeri.
  2. Pilih gelas bekam (cup) yang proporsional dengan lebar dahi (tidak terlalu besar).
  3. Pompa gelas bekam dengan piston pada posisi yang dikehendaki secukupnya kemudian lepas.
  4. Lakukan hal ini secara berulang-ulang sampai kulit berwarna kemerahan.

Diagnosis Penyakit Dengan Bekam

Diagnosa bekam/cupping dapat dilihat dari warna pigmen kulit setelah pembekaman. Di dalam buku “Canon of Internal Medicine” dikatakan, “Kondisi organ internal (organ dalam) dapat diketahui dengan cara mengobservasi (mengamati) gejala-gejala eksternal dan tanda-tanda fisik, sehingga penyakitnya dapat didiagnosa.”

Reaksi pigmen pada kulit bekas bekam adalah sebagai berikut :
  1. Bekas bekam yang muncul berwarna ungu kegelapan atau hitam, pada umumnya hal ini mengindikasikan kondisi defisiensi (kekurangan) pasokan/suplai darah dan channel/saluran (pembuluh) darah yang tidak lancar yang disertai dengan keberadaan darah statis (darah beku).
  2. Bekas bekam yang muncul berwarna ungu disertai plaque (bercak-bercak), pada umumnya hal ini menandakan terjadinya gangguan/ kelainan gumpalan darah yang berwarna keunguan dan adanya darah statis (darah beku).
  3. Bekas bekam yang muncul berbentuk bintik-bintik ungu yang tersebar dengan tingkatan warna yang berbeda (ada yang tua dan ada yang ungu muda). Hal ini menandakan kelainan “Qi” dan darah statis.
  4. Bekas bekam yang muncul berwarna merah cerah, biasanya hal ini menunjukkan terjadinya defisiensi “Yin”, defisiensi “Qi” dan darah atau rasa panas yang dahsyat yang diinduksi oleh defisiensi “Yin”.
  5. Bekas bekam yang muncul berwerna merah gelap, hal ini mengindikasikan kondisi lemak di dalam darah yang tinggi disertai dengan adanya panas patogen.
  6. Bekas bekam yang muncul berwarna agak pucat/putih dan tidak hangat ketika disentuh, hal ini mengindikasikan terjadinya defisiensi cold (dingin) dan adanya gas patogen.
  7. Adanya garis-garis pecah/ruam pada permukaan bekas bekam dan rasa sedikit gatal, hal ini mengindikasikan kondisi adanya wind (lembab) patogen dan gangguan gas patogen.
  8. Munculnya uap air pada dinding bagian dalam gelas bekam, menandakan kondisi adanya gas-gas patogen pada daerah tersebut.
  9. Adanya blister (lepuhan/lecat) pada bekas bekam, menggambarkan kondisi gangguan gas yang parah pada tubuh. Adanya darah tipis pada blister merupakan reaksi gas panas toksin.

Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan di dalam bekam

  1. Pastikan bahwa gelas bekam sudah steril dan higinis sehingga aman untuk bekam (terutama bekam basah).
  2. Untuk pasien yang belum pernah dibekam sebelumnya, pilihlah gelas bekam dari yang terkecil lalu ke yang besar supaya tidak terlalu sakit.
  3. Posisi bekam dapat dilakukan dengan duduk atau berbaring menelungkup. Posisi duduk lebih baik untuk peredaran darah, namun bagi pasien yang lemah dianjurkan dengan posisi berbaring.
  4. Untuk pasien yang baru dibekam, sering-seringlah menanyai bagaimana keadaannya, apakah merasa mulas, pusing, mual atau adanya tanda-tanda akan pingsan lainnya. Segera hentikan bekam apabila pasien mengeluh kesakitan.
  5. Setelah bekam dihadapkan beristirahat yang cukup. Sebagian pasien segera merasa segar badannya setelah berbekam pada bagian punggung dan lutut, sehingga ia tidak mau beristirahat sebagaimana mestinya, hal ini dapat menyebabkan kembalinya penyakit.
  6. Sebagian orang merasakan suhu badannya naik setelah 1-2 hari setelah berbekam, hal ini adalah normal dan akan segera hilang.
  7. Pasien yang menderita sakit menular atau infeksius agar diberikan perhatian khusus. Bagi penderita penyakit infeksius, diharap gelas bekamnya adalah tersendiri (single use) dan juru bekam dianjurkan menggunakan pelindung tubuh seperti sarung tangan karet (gloves), masker dan semisalnya.
  8. Pasien yang menderita tekanan darah rendah harus diperlakukan ekstra dan hati-hati. Tingkat kesadarannya selalu dimonitor agar tidak pingsan. Dihindarkan membekam pada areal punggung bawah yang sejajar dengan pusar ke bawah, karena hal ini bisa menurunkan tekanan darah dengan cepat.
  9. Permukaan kulit yang timbul blister kecil, bercak-bercak, noda darah dan darah stasis adalah reaksi normal setelah bekam. Apabila blister yang timbul banyak dan besar-besar (seperti luka bakar), maka dapat dipecah dengan cara menusukkan jarum steril kering hingga keluar cairannya (cairan limfoid) lalu didesinfeksi dengan desinfektans. Lebih dianjurkan apabila bekas bekam yang berblister ini dipijat lembut dengan minyak zaitun atau jinten hitam.
  10. Pasien yang mengalami mental stres, ketakutan, mual dan gejala mental lainnya, dihentikan pembekaman dan pasien disuruh berbaring relaks, tenang dan diberi minum dengan minuman manis (lebih baik madu) kemudian dimotivasi dan disugesti untuk menghilangkan atau meminimalisir gangguan mentalnya.

Larangan-Larangan Bekam

  1. Tidak dianjurkan melakukan bekam basah pada penderita diabetes kecuali juru bekam yang ahli dan berpengalaman.
  2. Jangan membekam orang yang fisiknya sangat lemah atau orang yang kelelahan (overfatigue).
  3. Jangan membekam orang yang menderita penyakit kulit merata atau menderita alergi kulit yang parah seperti ulserasi dan edema.
  4. Jangan membekam orang yang sudah jompo yang lemah fisiknya dan anak-anak yang tubuhnya lemah atau di bawah 3 tahun.
  5. Penderita leukimia (kanker darah) tidak dianjurkan untuk dibekam basah.
  6. Penderita hepatitis yang parah, TBC aktif, hemofilia, malignant anemia, trombositopenia dan penyakit lainnya yang parah tidak dianjurkan dibekam kecuali kepada juru bekam yang ahli dan berpengalaman.
  7. Jangan memberkam pada kondisi : perut kekenyangan, kehausan, kelaparan, kelelahan, setelah beraktivitas berat, tubuh lemah dan tubuh demam (kedinginan).
  8. Jangan membekam wanita hamil pada usia kehamilan 3 bulan pertama (trimester awal).
  9. Jangan membekam langsung pada daerah yang luka, urat sendi robek, patah tulang, varises, tumor.
  10. Jangan membekam wanita yang sedang haidh dan nifas.
  11. Jangan memberkam daerah perut terlalu keras
  12. Jangan membekam pasien yang mengkonsumsi obat pelancar dan pengencer darah semisal mengkudu, omega 3, dls.
  13. Jangan melakukan bekam langsung setelah makan, pembekaman dapat dilakukan minimal dua jam setelah makan. Setelah bekam juga jangan langsung makan, melainkan hanya minum yang manis-manis semisal madu atau selainnya
  14. Tidak dianjurkan melakukan pembekaman kepada orang yang menderita klep jantung, kecuali di bawah pengawasan dokter atau ahli bekam yang berpengalaman.
  15. Jangan melakukan bekam langsung setelah mandi, terutama setelah mandi dengan air dingin. Tidak dianjurkan langsung mandi setelah bekam, melainkan setelah 2 jam. Dianjurkan mandi dengan air hangat.
  16. Jangan membekam basah orang yang baru memberikan donor darah atau orang yang baru kecelakaan sehingga darahnya berkurang.
  17. Jangan membekam pasien diabetes (gula darah di atas 280) kecuali oleh orang yang ahli.
  18. Jangan membekam di area terbuka atau tempat yang dingin. Lebih baik melakukan bekam di ruang yang hangat atau bersuhu normal ruangan.
  19. Dilarang membekam area berikut :
    1. Lubang alamiah tubuh : mata, hidung, telinga, mulut, kemaluan, anus, puting susu.
    2. Daerah sistem nodus limfa yang berfungsi sebagai penghasil antibodi, yaitu di submaksilari, korvikal, sudmalaonkular, aksilari, bagian detak jantung, nodus inguinalglimfa (lihat buku panduan biru hal. 13).
    3. Daerah yang dekat dengan pembuluh besar (big vessels).
Contoh Area Bekam :


Pulse Diagnosis ( Palpasi )

According to Sim Kie Jie disease diagnosis through palpation (palpation) human pulse has been done since time immemorial. Originally only on the neck, wrists and ankles. However palpability wrist more frequently used and developed until now.Pulse arising from the heart pushes blood in pulses, pulse movement because it is directly related to the heart and also deals with other organs, such as lungs, spleen, lambng, liver and ginjal.Perubahan that occurs in the body will affect the rate change pulse as well as provide an overview of the condition of the body and the abnormalities that occur. Pulse can also monitor the progress of the disease. Normal pulse will throb between 60-80 times per minute or equal to four times per each respiration (one draw and one exhale) (Sim Kie Jie). Normal pulse less floating and not too deep, throbbing calm, energized and organized.Abnormal pulse known as pathological pulse (pulse which manifests the presence of a disease). Determination of disease through the pulse is based on the level of pace (speed), the depth and strength of pulses. Here are the determination of the distribution of disease based on the pulse:1. Pulse lag
Divided into 2 types:a). Pulse slowly.Throbbing pulse that slowly shows the element of water (cool) contained in the body. Under these conditions the pulse beat more slowly than the normal pulse (normal). Denyutannya more slowly means that the higher the element of water (cool) contained in the body.b). Rapid pulse.Pulse that beats quickly shows the element of fire (heat) contained in the body. The faster the pulses means more heat element (fire) contained in the body.2. DEPTH PULSEA). pulse top.The pulse can be felt only through light pressure. Pulses will be lost if we push (ankle) is too strong (in). Nadi above shows symptoms of debility in the kidneys (kidney). Signs that could arise include: headache, buzzing noise / whistling in the ears and hotfluses (face and neck became red). Nadi above also indicate problems in the lungs. Such a situation is generally characterized by a cough is a symptom of asthma.b). In the pulse.Pulse is not visible with a light touch. New pulse feels after getting pressure (hand) is hard. Pulse in such shows signs of fatigue, diarrhea, vaginal discharge.3). POWER PULSE.Pulse on the right hand and the left will show the signs of the different organs. The right hand shows the signs: spleen, stomach, lung and right kidney. Pulse while the left showed abnormalities in the liver, heart and kidney left.Based on the strength of the pulse, is divided into 2 types, namely:a). Strong pulse (full).Such pulse can be recognized by feeling the pulse on the third finger which we attach to the top of the wrist. Showed a strong pulse waveform quality with aggressive and excessive element content.b). Weak pulse.Weak pulse shows the body lacks the element. In studying the pulse palpation, in addition to need to learn the theory of the more important is practice. Without pulse palpation practice, could not be studied properly or even not work at all. Another important thing to do is the pulse tactile sensibility of the finger and the concentration of the examiner.Here is how to do pulse palpation:1. Prior to touching the patient should be advised to rest for a while.2. The patient's hand is placed horizontally as high as the heart of the palm of the hand pointing upwards.3.Use 3 finger is the index finger, middle finger and ring finger to touch. That touches the pulse should be a part fingertips.4. Perform palpation with a finger through 3 emphasizes the power of pressure: light pressure, medium pressure and strong pressure.During the examination process, the examiner must be regular breathing, in a state of emotional calm, good attitude and concentration.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

DIAGNOSA PENYAKIT – Diagnosa Denyut Nadi

Menurut Sim Kie Jie Diagnosa penyakit melaui perabaan (palpasi) denyut nadi telah dilakukan manusia sejak zaman dahulu. Awalnya hanya pada leher,pergelangan tangan dan pergelangan kaki. Namun perabaan pergelangan tangan lebih sering digunakan dan berkembang hingga sekarang.
Nadi timbul akibat jantung mendorong darah didalam nadi, karena itu gerakan nadi berhubungan langsung dengan jantung dan juga berhubungan dengan organ-organ yang lainnya,seperti paru-paru,limpa,lambng,hati dan ginjal.Perubahan yang terjadi pada tubuh akan berpengaruh pada perubahan denyut nadi sekaligus memberikan gambaran terhadap kondisi tubuh dan kelainan yang terjadi. Nadi juga dapat memantau perkembangan penyakit. Nadi yang normal akan berdenyut antara 60-80 kali per menit atau sama dengan empat kali per setiap respirasi (satu kali menarik dan satu kali mengeluarkan udara) (Sim Kie Jie). Denyutan nadi normal tidak terlalu mengambang dan tidak terlalu dalam, berdenyut tenang, bertenaga dan teratur.
Nadi yang tidak normal dikenal dengan nadi patologis (nadi yang memanifestasikan adanya suatu penyakit). Penentuan penyakit melalui denyut nadi ini didasarkan pada tingkat kelajuan (kecepatan), kedalaman dan kekuatan denyutan. Berikut adalah pembagian penentuan penyakit berdasarkan denyut nadi :
Dibagi menjadi 2 macam :
a). Denyut nadi perlahan.
Nadi yang berdenyut perlahan menunjukan unsur air (sejuk) yang terdapat dalam tubuh. Dalam kondisi seperti ini nadi berdenyut lebih pelan dibandingkan dengan denyut nadi biasa(normal).Semakin pelan denyutannya berarti semakin tinggi unsur air (sejuk) yang terdapat dalam tubuh.
b). Denyut nadi cepat.
Nadi yang berdenyut cepat menunjukan unsur api (panas) yang terdapat dalam tubuh. Semakin cepat denyutan berarti semakin banyak unsur panas (api) yang terdapat dalam tubuh.
a). Nadi Atas.
Denyutannya bisa dirasakan hanya dengan melalui tekanan yang ringan. Denyutan akan hilang jika kita menekan (pergelangan) terlalu kuat (dalam). Nadi atas menunjukan gejala kekurangan tenaga pada buah pinggang (ginjal). Tanda-tanda yang bisa muncul antara lain: sakit kepala, bunyi berdengung/berdesing dalam telinga dan hotfluses (muka dan leher menjadi merah). Nadi atas juga menunjukan masalah dalam paru-paru. Keadaan seperti ini biasanya ditandai dengan adanya batuk-batuk yang merupakan gejala penyakit asma.
b). Nadi Dalam.
Denyutan nadi tidak nampak dengan sentuhan ringan. Denyut nadi baru terasa setelah mendapatkan tekanan(tangan) yang keras. Nadi dalam menunjukan tanda-tanda seperti keletihan,diare, keputihan.
Denyut nadi pada tangan kanan dan kiri akan menunjukan tanda-tanda pada organ tubuh yang berbeda. Tangan kanan menunjukan tanda-tanda pada : limpa, perut, paru-paru dan ginjal kanan. Sedangkan denyut nadi kiri menunjukan kelainan pada hati, jantung dan ginjal kiri.
Berdasarkan kekuatan denyut nadi, dibagi menjadi 2 macam, yaitu :
a). Nadi Kuat (penuh).
Nadi seperti ini bisa dikenali dengan merasakan adanya denyutan pada ketiga jari yang kita tempelkan pada bagian atas pergelangan tangan. Nadi kuat menunjukan adanya kualitas gelombang yang agresif  serta kandungan unsur yang berlebihan.
b). Nadi Lemah (kosaong).
Nadi yang lemah menunjukan tubuh kekurangan unsur. Dalam mempelajari perabaan nadi , selain perlu mempelajari teori yang lebih penting adalah prakteknya. Tanpa praktek perabaan nadi, tidak mungkin bisa dipelajari dengan baik atau bahkan tidak akan berhasil sama sekali. Hal penting lainnya dalam melakukan perabaan nadi adalah adanya sensibilitas jari dan konsentrasi dari pemeriksa.
Berikut ini adalah cara melakukan perabaan nadi :
1. Sebelum dilakukan perabaan hendaknya pasien dianjurkan untuk istirahat sebentar.
2. Tangan pasien secara horisontal diletakan setinggi jantung dengan telapak tangan mengarah keatas.
3.Gunakan 3 jari yaitu jari telunjuk, jari tengah dan jari manis untuk melakukan perabaan. Yang menyentuh nadi hendaknya adalah bagian ujung jari.
4. Lakukan perabaan dengan menekankan jari melalui 3 kekuatan tekanan yaitu : tekanan ringan, tekanan sedang dan tekanan kuat.
Selama proses pemeriksaan, napas pemeriksa harus teratur, emosi dalam keadaan tenang, sikap baik dan berkonsentrasi penuh.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

25 Strategies That Guarantee Blog Your Success

"After 7 years of building a business online, from a profit of 1 million per month,up to Rp 20 million per month, has now managed to doubleincome to 250 million per month ... simply by applyingsimple principles of internet marketing. And it still continues ...I guess, I was worthy enough to give most of their knowledge inhere. Happy reading. "Visit: http://2 www.JokoSusilo.comI ask to you ... what is the purpose of your blog?Your answer certainly diverse. But, I believe in one thing. For those of you whohave internet product, purpose of your blog is sure to attract visitors andattract more customers. Right?Ok. Whatever the purpose of your blog, you definitely want your blog bertraffichigh. Crowded with comments and there in the top ranking bloggers. Then therenice if we follow the strategy experts bloggers who have first reachedsuccess.Among others:1. Hard work, hard work, and hard work.Bloggers blogging beginners often think it's easy. But, is it reallyeasy? This answers your curiosity:• Blogging takes time and hard work to produce postis continuous.• Need consistency.• It takes time to learn new skills to manage your blog.But most importantly, the more you put time and effort on the blogyou, then your blog will be better and more popular. If you onlysit down and wait, this certainly will not help you blog better.So the key patience and hard work!2. Be an expert in his fieldIn order to be of value to the reader, you need to know what you are talking about. To that end,you can learn on their own, or if you're a pro, give tipsuseful to your readers.We encourage you to anything related to the theme of your blog. So that,later you can create the right content for the visitors. Also, allyou write so much more useful for your readers.3. Get to know your audienceTo become an expert in a field, you should know these things ...• What do readers want to know.• Use key words that your readers are often used.• Find problems that may be experienced by the reader.• Do not hesitate to help readers solve their problems.Visit: http://3 www.JokoSusilo.com4. Start writing now!If you want to get something, you have to try to get itnow, not tomorrow or the day after!If you are slow, you could lose an interesting idea in the headyou now! And, you'll get run over new problems in your life.Finally you will be sure to write your blog content!You may have a million reasons to not fill your blog. But, you mustkeep your ideas. As much as possible so you do not make a quick draftforget your brilliant ideas.5. Many are writingA lot of writing will allow you get a lot of visitors.Why? Simple. Because you are so prolific writing. And, the writingsunique, quality and appeal can only be created from them areprolific writing. Well, it's just like the visitor blog contentquality and beneficial to them.Ok ... What you now have quality writing and interesting? If not,you have a lot of writing. If you are satisfied with the results of your writing,do not like it .... Do you have as much traffic do you want?Do readers really liked your post? If still not,means that you must continue to write, write, and write.6. Save drafts for your postWhen you have a lot of free time to write, then menulislahas much as possible. After much writing you can store allwriting in the draft. Do not publish everything straight. You canpost while famine idea.Yes, to have a plentiful draft, you have a barn ideas and articles that couldwear anytime.For example ...• When you need to post the same theme, you do not need to searchidea from the start. Because you've got the idea that live you digfurther.• When you are very busy I could not update the blog, barn postsThis will greatly help you.With the rapid frequency of writing you can make the material flowconsistent for your readers. So you do not just give postfor the benefit of your readers. But you can also specify the timeVisit: http://4 www.JokoSusilo.comright when to post an article. "The right post in the righttime, "says the West.7. Write unique posts!Write something unique. Order, visitors find different things in eachyour post. Of course, if you feel the theme that was not enough reviews, youcan find more references to develop your writing.8. Write posts that are based on researchBefore writing it helps you do a little research on the themeyou select. This is necessary so that your writing looks alive, real and not fictitious. Besidesit, you will not be stuck with using the word "may or roughly."Did you know that the use of the words could weaken your position?You do not master theme so impressed that you wrote! And, visitors are notwill believe in what you write. Anyway, it's more like a blog visitor whoit is not only a fantasy but is really real and can they apply.9. Write a concise postWhy do you need to make a quick post?• You can express opinions in a quick way. Readers do notneed to fumble what you want to convey.• Readers can get the tips you provide as soon as thethey want. They like to save time and reluctantly readthings that do not interest.• Provide an opportunity for the readers to read somethingdifferentIn addition, quick post will help readers understand and absorbwhat you write. Also facilitate them create a bookmark, share ora link to your post.10. Write in simple languageUse the simplest language. The goal is that the reader can quicklycapture your message. So also is intended to convey the readermessage in your writing to others is also easier.11. Write personallyIn the internet business, the owner of the blog and the website can not be directlymeet with their visitors. However, visitors should believe inwhat they read, what you write. So treat the reader likeVisit: http://5 www.JokoSusilo.comyour own friends so they get to know you. And finally they becomean avid reader of your blog.12. Write a great headlineThe title is a decoy. If you can create a title that immediately forcedreaders fall in love, then most likely your writing read by them.Then you need to create a compelling headline. Yes, so that readers kneesand do not miss any words in your writing.13. Write naturally and for the sake of the readerSome people say that you should write for the search engines.That is, you write the themes of most searched in the search engines so thatyour blog is entrenched in the top row rank.I think this is not entirely true. Because you can actually writewhatever you want as long as your writing is truly dedicatedfor the reader. The reason I put it this way:• If you are aiming for a specific target market for your blog, thenyou do not need to worry about lack of visitors. Because the visitorwho will look for your blog.• You already know what keywords are frequently used target audienceyou are.• You use the words natural and not contrived in postsyou are. And in fact this is the most searched by the search engines.• Most importantly, by dedicating your writing toreader, then your writing will be read by them. Because theyneed to know the information that you submit.• By writing naturally, the words that appear in your postswill vary and are not impressed imposed. It's very beneficialto increase your traffic.14. First format your postsIf you want to post you read to the end, not enough capital onlydedication for the reader. But you also need to format your postsgood. Create paragraphs and sentences short. Use bulleted lists and alsosubheading. So comfortable viewing and easy to understand.15. Create links between the posts with other postsYou want the reader to read all the posts in your blog? Then you mustcreate links to each post that you write. This way thanVisit: http://6 www.JokoSusilo.comadd to the reader, it also helps your blog get a top rank in searchengine.16. Can also create links to sources outside your blog.Such as:• A number of research, study and comparisons• Posting of any other useful blogs, articles or forum threads• Web site or another toolThis way you show a broader perspective on the reader.They are also very helpful to understand your content moredepth. Especially if you are linking your posts to other articles,the reader can understand the point of view of your writing.In addition, if readers click on the link that you put outside, you willreceived two acknowledgments. First, of website owners, blog orarticle that you link it. They are happy because there are additional readers.Being from the readers themselves, they are glad to have this informationuseful new for them. Introduce the reader to your bloginformation they want.17. Aims to help othersAlthough many people read the blog just for fun orentertainment, but many are reading the blog for a solution to aproblem to be solved. Then you need to identify the problems asreaders and help them solve it. Thus postyou are so very useful to the reader.18. Read other blogsReading other people's blogs will help you write better content.In addition, by reading other blogs, you can find:• More ideas to write about.• More could at is the link to your blog• More friends to discuss• A place to provide comments and get new readers.19. Get along with other bloggersWhen exploring a few blogs, you will find a lot of bloggers arehave the same interests with you. By writing a comment to a blogthem, they will do the same on your blog. Even ifOther bloggers assume your content interesting, they will not hesitatecreate a link to your blog.20. Strengthen your influence.Visit: http://7 www.JokoSusilo.comBy doing all of the above consistently you will slowly blogplugging effect in cyberspace. Once you feel it, it would behelp you to:• help spread your ideas.• innovate to develop your blog.• product promotion• or formed a partnership with another business.21. Do not be stingy, share it!If you want to post your ideas and widespread, it planted the followingthis in your mind:No one is willing to spread an idea unless:• They understand it• They want to pass it on• They believe that they have to passbenefits such as reputation, income, and friendship.• Advantages gained far greater than the costrequired to pass.Nobody wants to accept an idea unless:• The idea spread, and make interesting curiosity.• They already have the foundation to be ready to get an ideanew• They believe in spreading the idea.Basically, you do not just need to have the benefit postingsreaders. But you also need to share your thoughts on the stories andyour visitors.Anyway, you can use the social bookmarking buttons to remindothers bookmark your posts. You can also share web sitereaders who frequently visit. Why should other people share on the site? Thatyou can expand your target market.22. Join the social site.If you want to:• be a leader in your business• read a lot of interesting things• met many people who have similar interestsVisit: http://8 www.JokoSusilo.comThen join in a social site that matches the topic of your blog.For example, for a blogger who also dabbled in internet marketer,SEO, Web designer and you can try.• Sphinn (Search Engine Marketing)• PlugIM (Internet Marketing)• (various topics)• Tweako (Web Developer)• Dzone (Web developer)And need I also write here is StumbleUpon. This is because:• You can see the site in accordance with your interests• you can meet other people with similar interests• you can get visitors to your web site.Looking for online relationship that need to be! Even obligatory for businessesinternet. By participating in your social network can seea lot of people with your same interests.You can also meet other bloggers who have similar blog topicswith you. And finally, they will begin to visit your blog. Evenmaybe they will add your post to social networks, asthey like your post and you know from the social site youfollow.23. Share about who you are.You need to share your own story. You also need to tellwho you are and what you do. Sure, it's a story you have to deserve totell. Since this will be a positive impact on your image. So you should ...• share with people you know• provide relevant social bookmarking site. Use headings anddescriptive and interesting explanation.But, you also need to be careful. If you do not believe this story you canboost your image, you should not do. Because otherwise thehappens your reputation could be ruined.24. Make your blog easy to read and useEasy to digest whether visitors navigate blog posts and you willdetermine the level of your traffic. In addition, you should have a featuredraw on your web site. So that readers love to be in your web page.Therefore, you can ...Visit: http://9• give the name of your categories using words thatin touch with your visitors.• Creating a clear and distinct categories• Offering a post related to your post• Using the best font size. Usually Verdana 10 pt.• Create links between your present post with the previous post• Create your neat blog, do not look chaotic. If one usesplug-in, just use the plug in most need such as fordisplays recent posts, posts-related, and thesocial bookmarking.25. Do everything.Remember and plug in your mind, how to start a blog,bring in readers, keeping in touch with other bloggers, tothen you can benefit. You have to remember all the thingswas important. It is important to help you build a great blog.So that your blog deserves to be visited